Hernando Téllez - Schriftsteller und Dichter
Hernando Téllez - Schriftsteller und Dichter
Hernando Téllez, (nace en Bogotá, Colombia, el 22 de marzo de 1908, y muere en 1966), ensayista, narrador, periodista, político, diplomático y crítico literario colombiano. Trabajó para algunos de los más prominentes periódicos y revistas de Colombia y otros países: la Revista Universidad de Germán Arciniegas, en El Nacional de Caracas, en la revista Mito de Bogotá y la redacción de El Tiempo donde precisamente Téllez se inició como periodista y logró ser columnista con "Espejos de los días. De la misma manera y un tiempo más tarde, escribió otras columnas para la revista El Liberal en su sección Hoy y también sus anotaciones bajo el título de Márgenes en la revista La Semana. Téllez ejerció como cónsul en Marsella llegando a ser senador en su país. Es más conocido como escritor gracias a su colección de historias cortas que fueron publicadas en 1950, bajo el nombre de Cenizas para el viento y otras historias, cuando ya tenía más de cuarenta años de edad.
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Der Ursprungsartikel stammt von der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia
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Hernando Téllez (22 March 1908 - 1966). Born and educated in Bogotá, Colombia, Téllez entered very early the world of journalism with which he is primarily identified having been on the staff of some of Colombia's most popular newspapers and magazines. It was not until 1950 with the publication of his short-story collection Cenizas al viento, that his name became more widely known. His tragicomic tales evidence the keen and extremely sensitive observer of contemporary life and more particularly of the anguishing reality of his native country. During Tellez's lifetime, Colombia suffered through several civil wars and military dictatorships, collectively called La Violencia (The Violence). Tellez was also a student of history and was aware of the three rebellions of the 1800s, which caused the country of Gran Colombia to be divided into the separate countries of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Tellez served in the Colombian Parliament and was later Colombia's ambassador to the United Nations.
Possibly the most famous work by Tellez was his short story "Espuma y nada más" (Just Lather, That's All). The story is widely read amongst American high school Spanish students and depicts a military general getting a shave. Stories
-Espuma y nada más (Just Lather, That's All) -Ashes for the Wind and Other Stories
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Der Ursprungsartikel stammt von der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia
Der Text steht unter der GNU Freie Dokumentation Lizenz.
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Hernando Téllez (22 March 1908 - 1966). Born and educated in Bogotá, Colombia, Téllez entered very early the world of journalism with which he is primarily identified having been on the staff of some of Colombia's most popular newspapers and magazines. It was not until 1950 with the publication of his short-story collection Cenizas al viento, that his name became more widely known. His tragicomic tales evidence the keen and extremely sensitive observer of contemporary life and more particularly of the anguishing reality of his native country. During Tellez's lifetime, Colombia suffered through several civil wars and military dictatorships, collectively called La Violencia (The Violence). Tellez was also a student of history and was aware of the three rebellions of the 1800s, which caused the country of Gran Colombia to be divided into the separate countries of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Tellez served in the Colombian Parliament and was later Colombia's ambassador to the United Nations.
Possibly the most famous work by Tellez was his short story "Espuma y nada más" (Just Lather, That's All). The story is widely read amongst American high school Spanish students and depicts a military general getting a shave. Stories
-Espuma y nada más (Just Lather, That's All) -Ashes for the Wind and Other Stories
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Hernando Téllez - Schriftsteller und Dichter
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--> de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernando_T%C3%A9llez
Eine Kurzbiografie (Spanisch) findet ihr hier:
--> biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/tellez.htm
Wikipedia hat zumindest eine kleinen Teil aus dem Spanischen übernommen.
--> de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernando_T%C3%A9llez
Eine Kurzbiografie (Spanisch) findet ihr hier:
--> biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/tellez.htm
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